Friday, November 21, 2008

Nov 20th

I havent updated in a while so I'll go back to yesterday. I woke up dead tired because Tristan and I had been talking real late in the night. I had to go to work today where my main job is putting food in a bag. I make $9.55 an hour and do usually do that for about 7 hours-8hours a day. Today though I got off at around 12:30 so that was nice. I had to come home and study for finals. My Econ final is gonna be rough so I need every chance I can to study. After all of that I drove to my Fiancee's house and got to smooch on her a bit before we had to drive up to church in Jasper. That seemed to go really well and I certainly learned somethings. On the drive back I just enjoyed holding Tristan's hand. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to leave her every night. Today Tristan, Katie (Tristan's sister), Whitney ( Katie's friend), and I are going to see the movie Twilight! (Yes I oddly enough agreed on doing this about 3-4 months ago) I'm pretty excited about seeing how if its any good at all (Maybe this Twilight movie wont be so bad). and Getting to see my darlin too! of course. Tis' all for now!


Tristan! said...

i love ya babe! i had fun with you at the movie... i think you're secretly in love with twilight! i can't wait for the day when youdon't have to leave me either!

J_Turtle said...

I love you back darlin! Twilight was actually not bad! I was pleasantly surprised